Saturday, September 15, 2012

There’s that type of anger that you can’t explain to anyone. You can’t describe to them just how infuriated and enraged you are inside, how your blood boils at the thought, and how you wish you just never met certain people. People who never did admit what they did to you, how they portrayed you, how they set out to ruin you. How do you explain that type of anger to people? How do you explain that kind of betrayal to people? You can’t. You can’t explain it without seeming bitter, seeming crazy. You can’t describe it without people giving you the speech of ‘do not let it have power over you’ or ‘do not let it consume you’ because that’s the type of thing that people who don’t understand do say. Like you’re not allowed to feel this way. As if you’re not entitled to feel this way. They don’t understand so why bother wasting your breath?

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